Developer Productivity Engineering Blog

Improving Micrometer’s Build with Develocity

This summer the Gradle Team provisioned a Develocity instance for the Micrometer open-source project and helped us a lot in optimizing our Micrometer build. Micrometer’s build has been enjoying the advantages of the Gradle Build Tool since the inception of the project. Introducing Develocity has led to a significant number of improvements to the team’s developer productivity.

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Test Distribution In Action: A Practitioner’s Feedback from the Trenches

Test Distribution is an approach that accelerates test execution and complements build caching while addressing many of the limitations of single-machine parallelism and CI fanout. It does this by extending test parallelism which farms out test execution to remote executors. Along with Build Cache, it is one of the major build and test acceleration features available in Develocity. 

We caught up with Cedric Champeau, consulting member of the technical staff at Oracle, a former engineer on the Gradle Build Tool core team and a Groovy committer, to ask him about his experience with Test Distribution (TD) while working on the Gradle Build Tool open source project.

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Developer Productivity Engineering at Elastic: Avoiding the Cost of Inaction

Like many companies, the software development experience at Elastic was starting to become negatively impacted under the increasing strain of slowing builds and inefficient process for testing and debugging. And, the pain was only expected to increase in line with the growth of development teams, code bases, and repositories. The cost of inaction was projected to soon become unbearable.

In this webcast, Mark Vieira, Senior Software Engineer at Elastic discusses with Gradle, Inc. CEO, Hans Dockter, how Elastic overcame the natural resistance to change their process and toolset by quantifying the Cost of Inaction and blazing a new path toward build engineering excellence.

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How Coursera Reduced Scala Compilation Times By 125 Hours a Week

Coursera is the leading online educational platform, empowering more than 35 million learners across the world to access over 2600 high-quality courses from top educational institutions. The Coursera platform is the central component that enables teachers to share their knowledge, students to uplevel and enhance their skills, and enterprises to continuously train their workforce.

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