Developer Productivity Engineering Blog

Key OSS Projects Standardizing on Develocity

If some of the most important open source projects in the world are any indication, Develocity is quickly emerging as a staple for build and test data analytics and as a source of acceleration technology for both Gradle and Maven-based builds. Spring, JetBrains (Kotlin), JUnit, and not surprisingly, Gradle Build Tool, all rely on Develocity to improve build and test feedback cycle times and make troubleshooting more efficient with root cause analysis data (Build Scans) and failure analytics. Here’s a brief summary of the role Develocity is playing in each project and some high-level results.

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Test Distribution FAQs

Develocity 2020.2 features Test Distribution for Gradle builds and version 2020.5 added support for Maven. We have compiled this list of FAQs to supplement the information shared in our webcast: Develocity Unveils Test Distribution.

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Build Engineers on the Rise

In Santa Clara County, CA there are currently 11,000 job openings for build engineers listed on ZipRecruiter. The median annual base salary is $129,000. Why are build engineers in high demand?

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The Develocity Proof-of-Value Trial Experience

So, you have heard a lot of great things about Develocity and you are thinking about doing a trial. Now what?

In our recent webcast, a former SoundCloud developer productivity engineer who has been through the trial experience answered your key questions about Develocity trials.

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What’s New in Develocity 2020.2

Develocity 2020.2 introduces a major new feature: Test Distribution. Develocity Test Distribution executes your existing test suites faster by fanning out test execution to as many machines as you provide.

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