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Our leading platform for improving developer productivity offers pricing plans to fit your team’s size and needs.

A smiling Chief Technology Officer
Linkedin, We save more than 800 hours every day in CI and local builds
A smiling Chief Technology Officer
SAP Conservatively, we've gained back 1 day of lost productivity every week.

Developer Productivity Platform

Leverage Develocity to tackle productivity bottlenecks and speed up software delivery with confidence. Our platform offers personalized onboarding based on your toolchain, ongoing training, workshops, and dedicated support to help you streamline your workflow. With Develocity, you can enjoy a range of key features that will help you optimize your software development process:

Build Acceleration

Build Cache

Share and reuse unchanged build and test outputs globally

Predictive Test Selection

Only run tests likely to provide useful feedback using machine learning

Test Distribution

Modern approach to parallelism to run more tests simultaneously

Performance Analytics

Leverage build and test data observability to analyze performance and make continuous improvements

Troubleshooting & Failure Analytics

Build Scan

Granular analytic information for every build, so you can quickly fix problems and debug performance issues

Build Failure Analytics

Detect, group, and prioritize avoidable build failures for remediation based on impact and determine the root cause

Test Failure Analytics

Find unreliable and flaky tests and learn how many people/environments are affected by the problem

Failure Reports

Observe, analyze, and report on flaky test and other avoidable test failure patterns

Reporting & Insights

Performance/Trends dashboards

Identify slow builds then compare them to healthy ones to avoid developer wait time

Develocity API

Measure and monitor KPI's and other Develocity metrics for all local and CI builds/tests for easy integration with BI/reporting/monitoring systems

Grafana Dashboards

Query, visualize, alert on, and understand build and test metrics

Query Engine Integration

Integrate query engines like AWS Athena with visualization/BI tools like Grafana or Tableau to create custom dashboards/reports

Estimate your ROI

Use this calculator to quantify the potential cost-avoidance savings you can expect by investing in Develocity.

Number of developers


Annual salary per developer


0/per mn

Local & CI Builds & Tests per Week*


Total Build & Test Time per Week*



*Based on industry build and test time and failure averages

0.0 hrs/week/developer

Every developer saves this per week

0 hrs/yr

Annual time savings


Annual cost savings

See the expanded calculator

Our Pricing Explained

Develocity’s pricing is based on an annual subscription per user. Users include team members interacting with Develocity or contributing code to a source repository with a build connected with Develocity. If you’re ready to evaluate a number, simply request pricing and a member of our team will reach out. Alternatively, you can explore Develocity’s capabilities further with a Free Trial to help build the business case for investment.

Top 3 Global Investment Bank

Using Develocity, the build and test time improvements were amazing. We saved $29 million from faster builds and tests alone.
We save more than 800 engineering hours every day in CI and local builds using Develocity performance acceleration technologies. That's 250,000 hours per year!
Tableau Software
We've given our heaviest software builders back 15 hours every two weeks. We consider this a $100 million dollar problem.

Still have questions? We have the answers.

How do you customize pricing?

Pricing is based on an annual subscription per user. A user is a person who interacts with Develocity and/or contributes code to a source repository that has a build connected with Develocity.

I use the free Build Scan® service. Why do I need Develocity?

Our free Build Scan service gives individual developers a wealth of data about each build to facilitate more efficient collaboration and troubleshooting. Develocity's Build Scan offers a powerful build scan comparison feature which performs diffs between two builds to quickly pinpoint what most likely broke the latest build. Develocity also offers a host of features beyond Build Scan built specifically for enterprise companies, including our suite of advanced build and test acceleration technologies, failure troubleshooting features, and greater observability through comprehensive reporting and insights on every local and CI build.

Is Develocity worth the price?

Yes! Two-thirds of surveyed Develocity customers saw a payback within 3 months and 40% described the payback as "immediate". You can use our ROI calculator right now to estimate the cost-avoidance savings you can expect from faster builds and tests and more efficient failure troubleshooting.,

How does the Free Trial work?

A Free Trial is a way to see Develocity in action using your own builds and tests. Test out our acceleration technologies and see how we can improve failure troubleshooting and create greater observability across all local and CI builds. At the end of the Free Trial, a hard-cost and verifiable ROI will be generated to help you build a business case for Develocity. A Free Trial typically takes about two weeks and on average results in a 50% reduction in build times, a 40% decrease in test time, and a 25% decrease in time spent troubleshooting. You will also have direct access to Develocity build and test engineers to learn best practices for build and test optimization as well as failure troubleshooting

Do you have special pricing for open-source projects or educational institutions?

Gradle is proud to support key open-source projects with free instances of Develocity. You can see a list of supported projects here. Gradle has limited resources to support these projects. However, if you represent an open-source project or educational institution, feel free to contact us if you are interested in exploring this further.

Contact a member of our team

If you have further questions, we invite you to connect with a member of our team