Next week: How Spotify does DPE with Backstage | DevProdEng Lowdown

In the July 12 episode of DevProdEng Lowdown, we connect with Lee Mills at Spotify about Backstage, a CNCF project and open platform for building internal developer portals. 


Lee is a Senior Engineering Manager working on Backstage. He'll discuss what it is, how it helps developer productivity, and why Spotify created it. Best of all, he’ll give us a demo of Backstage in action.


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GitHub’s AI survey reveals slow builds & tests still plague developers

While GitHub's recent survey focused primarily on how AI impacts the developer experience, the results showed that developers spend the same amount of time waiting on builds and tests as they spend writing code—27% of their work day in each case. 


Despite a decade of DevOps investments across the industry, the pain of slow builds and tests continues to be a major impediment to developer productivity initiatives. Click below to learn how Gradle can help reverse this trend with DPE technologies.


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*NEW* DPE Job Openings

The industry needs you. Find your dream role at these job openings related to DPE, developer productivity, performance and reliability. 


NOTE: These links are live at the time of sending but are subject to change.


DPE Evangelist: AI can improve the developer workflow, reduce busy work, and prevent burnout

Trisha Gee, DPE Evangelist at Gradle, has some good news: AI is not poised to make software developers obsolete anytime soon, as this article in The New Stack relates. In fact, AI can make some welcome contributions to the developer workflow and developer productivity. 

Trisha also describes in this Techstrong.tv interview that one of the greatest benefits we can expect from AI entering the software development landscape is the reduction of “busy work”. Ideally, this would create space for focusing on creativity and collaboration—things we know drive meaningful contributions and can help prevent developer burnout.




Making SPACE for DPE

The SPACE framework has become well-known as a comprehensive model for defining developer productivity metrics. How does DPE play a role here? 


In this article, you’ll learn how SPACE metrics align with the practice of DPE and see that SPACE and DPE need each other—while SPACE defines the “what” for improving developer productivity, DPE defines the “how” with technologies and practices. Read further to see how the SPACE/DPE Synergy Matrix shows the detailed mapping between SPACE metrics and DPE benefit “pillars”.


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Don't miss these opportunities to learn more

July 12, 10am - 11am PT – DPE Lowdown: How Spotify Does DPE with Backstage

July 20, 6am - 9:15am PT – Online Training: Android Apps with Gradle Build Tool - EMEA

July 25, 9am - 1:30pm PT – Online Training: Introduction to Gradle Build Tool

July 26, 9am - 12:15pm PT – Online Training: Android Apps with Gradle Build Tool 

August 21-23, Industry Event: SpringOne - Las Vegas, Nevada 

September 11-14, Industry Event: Scala Days - Madrid, Spain

September 13, Industry Event: Swamp Up - San Jose, CA

September 13, Industry Event: DevOps World - New York, New York

September 14-15, Industry Event: Droidcon - New York, New York 

September 20-21, Gradle-Hosted Event: DPE Summit - San Francisco, California

September 22-24, Industry Event: NFJS - Boston, Massachusetts 

September 27, Industry Event: DevOpsWorld - Chicago, Illinois 

Visit our website for the complete schedule of upcoming training and industry events.

Gradle Inc. | 2261 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94119

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