New Speakers and Sponsors Announced for DPE Summit 2022

The Developer Productivity Engineering Summit 2022: Next Practices for Transforming the Developer Experience continues to expand its speakers and sessions roster. This two-day, dual-track event will bring together developer productivity thought leaders from some of the world’s most influential brands. Here’s a quick update on some of our speakers and sessions:


  • Siri Developer Productivity Journey: Ankit Srivastava & Denis Cabasson, Apple
  • Taking an Empathetic Approach to a Developer Platform: Adam Rogal, DoorDash
  • Strategies to Make and Keep Builds Cacheable: Etienne Studer & Jim Hurne, Gradle
  • Chasing the Speed of Gradle Builds: Aurimas Liutikas, Google
  • Dogfooding Developer Productivity: Dmitry Jemerov, JetBrains
  • Code Generation: Affan Hussain, Meta
  • Fast (Not Furious) Developer Experience: Gautam Korlan, Uber



We are also proud to announce our official sponsors, LinkedIn, Meta, Netflix, and Uber.


Interested in DPE Summit updates? Click to subscribe for regular updates about sessions, speakers, accommodations, and more. Early Bird rates apply until Oct. 23.


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Advice for Sundar Pichai: How to Solve Google’s Billion-Dollar Productivity Problem

In a recent Inc. Magazine article, “Google Has a Productivity Problem That Has Stumped Managers for 113 Years. Will Sundar Pichai Be the First to Solve It?” (Aug. 2022), Pichai said the tech giant’s productivity levels do not match its growing headcount. Google executives have reportedly said they want to “get better results faster” with the people they have, and employees have been warned to boost performance or “there will be blood on the streets.” The author makes a pessimistic case for Pichai's chances of succeeding. But his argument is based on a limited view of developer productivity tools. We are more optimistic because of the role DPE will play in his strategy. So, will Pichai succeed? Check out this blog, and you decide.

Read the full blog post


Slack’s BuildRock Platform

Like many development shops, Slack uses Jenkins as the heart of its CI/CD infrastructure. Also like many development shops, Slack had many uniquely configured Jenkins servers, each with its own set of requirements, security policies, plugins, credentials, and other complications. From a DPE perspective, that's a great opportunity to reduce the friction and overhead of building software, making life easier for developers in the process. Read how Slack used GitOps, Docker, and Kubernetes to standardize, automate, and manage their Jenkins servers, ensuring consistency across the organization and improving time to market.

Read the article now


Don’t Miss These Opportunities to Learn More

Oct. 4, 3-4 p.m. CEST: Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise for Developers EMEA

Oct. 5, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. PDT: Virtual Training - Gradle Enterprise for Developers US

Oct. 11, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. PDT: Virtual Training - Maven Build Cache Deep Dive

Oct. 13, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PDT: Virtual Training - Introduction to Gradle Build Tool

Oct. 18, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PDT: Virtual Training - Introduction to Developer Productivity Engineering

Oct. 25, 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT: Virtual Training - Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive

Visit our website for the complete schedule of upcoming training and industry events.

Until next time!


The Gradle Enterprise Team

Gradle Inc. | 2261 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94119
